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How To Make It Through A Divorce By Journaling

It is said that a journal is one pathway towards greater self-awareness. Through the practice of regular journaling, you have a greater ability to connect with your inner self.

Journaling can be a therapeutic way to process emotions and thoughts during a difficult time, such as going through a divorce. If you’re new to journaling, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Here are some tips to help you begin your journaling journey and find healing through the process.

Why journaling can be helpful during a divorce.

Divorce can be an emotionally challenging experience, and journaling can be a helpful tool for coping with stress and turmoil. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you process your emotions, gain clarity, and find a sense of release. Additionally, journaling can provide a safe space to express yourself without fear of judgment or criticism from others. It can also serve as a record of your journey through the divorce process, allowing you to look back and see how far you’ve come.

In your journal, you are allowed to tune out all noises around you instead of being influenced by them. In the quiet pages of your journal, where you can retreat each day, you can tune into your inner wisdom and find your truth. The reality we live in today makes it especially hard for us to elect to be tuned to ourselves.

Countless influences dictate to us what to do, to be, and how to act to gain everyone’s acceptance. Ultimately, accepting ourselves wholeheartedly remains the most important thing. This becomes especially challenging when we seek and chase the approval of others first before we truly understand and accept ourselves.

Furthermore, research has found that journaling and practising gratitude improves our physical and psychological health. It increases our happiness, our empathy and our mental strength. And it can also reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. Here at Single Mama Way, I believe in this practice so much that I have paired with @myndly.co to share with you their exquisite gratitude journal. Use code TSMW15 for 15% of their entire range! (Tap to SHOP)

How to use journaling to process emotions and gain clarity.

Journaling can be a powerful tool for coping with the emotional turmoil of divorce. By writing about your emotions, reflecting on your past relationship, setting goals for the future, and writing about your experiences as a parent, you can gain clarity and process your emotions in a safe space. 

Remember, there are no rules about what you should or shouldn’t write about, so use your journal to express yourself freely.

When you journal, it becomes easier to get to know yourself from the inside. It may be counter to what you believe, but your thoughts don’t solely make you who you are. There are moments when our minds are plagued with thoughts, and we feel confused; this is not wisdom. 

Our inner critic is almost always noisy, but who we truly are lies in the quiet corners of our minds, our inner wisdom. Wisdom is modest and humble, whereas our inner critic or ego is not. (Read more about healthy ways to criticise HERE)

To be still is to allow our true selves to speak wisdom to us. One of the best ways to communicate with ourselves from the inside is by being quiet and still and writing a journal.

Tips for starting a journaling practice.

There is no one true way or style of journaling. You can use your journal in any way you wish to, as long as it’s helping you. Starting a journaling practice can feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to help you get started: 

1. Choose a journal that speaks to you. Pick something you enjoy writing in, whether it’s a simple notebook or a fancy leather-bound journal. As a member of the Single Mama Way tribe, you have access to many beautiful printable journals for free. Sign up HERE.

2. Set aside time each day to write. It doesn’t have to be long; even just 10-15 minutes can be helpful. 

3. Write without judgment. Don’t worry about grammar or spelling; just let your thoughts flow onto the page. 

4. Write about whatever comes to mind. You don’t have to have a specific topic or theme; just write about whatever is on your mind. 

5. Be honest with yourself. Journaling is a safe space to express your true feelings, so don’t hold back. Remember, journaling is a personal practice, so there’s no right or wrong way to do it. 

Just start writing and see where it takes you. If you’re looking for some inspiration, you might try experimenting with different writing styles to prompt your journey.

What to write about in your journal.

When it comes to journaling during a divorce, there are no rules about what you should or shouldn’t write about. Some people find it helpful to write about their emotions and feelings, while others prefer to focus on practical matters like finances or co-parenting. Here are some ideas to get you started:

1. Write about your emotions. Divorce can be a rollercoaster of emotions, so use your journal to express how you’re feeling. Write about your anger, sadness, fear, or any other emotions that come up.

2. Reflect on your past relationship. Use your journal to reflect on your past relationship and what led to the divorce. Write about what you learned from the experience and what you would do differently in the future.

3. Set goals for the future. Divorce can be a time of uncertainty, but it can also be an opportunity to start fresh. Use your journal to set goals for the future and write about what you want to achieve.

4. Write about your children. If you have children, use your journal to write about your experiences as a parent and how you’re coping with co-parenting after the divorce.

Remember, your journal is a safe space to express yourself, so don’t be afraid to write about anything that comes to mind.


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